====== Gateway Configuration ====== ===== Operating System ===== * Debian Wheezy ===== APT ===== ==== /etc/apt/sources.list ==== deb http://repo.universe-factory.net/debian/ sid main deb http://debian.draic.info/ wheezy main deb-src http://debian.draic.info/ wheezy main ==== Installed packages ==== * OpenVPN ===== OpenVPN ===== ==== IPredator ==== Checked on 09.06.2020 /etc/openvpn/ipredator.conf: client dev-type tun dev ipredator proto udp remote pw.openvpn.ipredator.se 1194 remote pw.openvpn.ipredator.me 1194 remote pw.openvpn.ipredator.es 1194 resolv-retry infinite nobind persist-key persist-tun comp-lzo verb 3 remote-cert-tls server auth-user-pass /etc/openvpn/ipredator.auth auth-retry nointeract ca [inline] tls-client tls-auth [inline] ns-cert-type server remote-cert-tls server remote-cert-ku 0x00e0 keepalive 10 30 cipher AES-256-CBC tun-mtu 1500 passtos replay-window 512 60 route-noexec script-security 2 up /etc/openvpn/ipredator-up up-restart /etc/openvpn/ipredator-up -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIFJzC... -----END CERTIFICATE----- -----BEGIN OpenVPN Static key V1----- 03f7b2... -----END OpenVPN Static key V1----- /etc/openvpn/ipredator-up: #!/bin/sh IP=$4 BASE="$(echo $IP | cut -d. -f1-3)" LSV="$(echo $IP | cut -d. -f4)" if test $LSV -gt 128; then LSV=128 else LSV=0 fi echo $LSV GW=$BASE.$((LSV+1)) SERVER=$BASE.$((LSV+2)) ip route add $SERVER/32 via ip route del table 42 ip route del table 42 ip route add via $GW table 42 ip route add via $GW table 42 exit 0 /etc/openvpn/ipredator.auth ===== Fastd ===== updated 09.06.2020 ==== Backbone ==== /etc/fastd/backbone/fastd.conf: log to syslog level info; mtu 1426; method "salsa2012+umac"; method "salsa2012+gmac"; include "secret.conf"; user "fastd"; bind any:9999; include peers from "peers"; #on up " #dnsmasq -i bat0 #"; interface "mesh-vpn-backbone"; on up " ip link set address be:98:1f:07:ff:52 up dev $INTERFACE batctl if add $INTERFACE "; /etc/fastd/backbone/secret.conf secret "dsfhjjds..."; ==== FFMD ==== /etc/fastd/magdeburg/fastd.conf: log to syslog level info; mtu 1312; method "salsa2012+umac"; method "salsa2012+gmac"; include "secret.conf"; user "fastd"; bind any:10001; include peers from "peers"; #on up " #dnsmasq -i bat0 #"; interface "mesh-vpn"; on up " ip link set address be:98:1f:07:ff:b3 up dev $INTERFACE batctl if add $INTERFACE "; on verify async "true"; /etc/fastd/magdeburg/secret.conf ===== Changelog ===== Updated - 2020-06-09 20:24 von kwasir