====== Virtual Services ====== ===== Live ===== ==== Grafana ==== Grafana Statistic Dashboards === Verantworlich === * kwasir === Erreichbarkeit === ? host : web.md.freifunk.de ? port : 3000 ---- ==== Prometheus ==== Statistic Collector Prometheus collects metrics from monitored targets by scraping metrics HTTP endpoints on these targets. Since Prometheus also exposes data in the same manner about itself, it can also scrape and monitor its own health. === Verantworlich === * kwasir === Erreichbarkeit === ? host : web.md.freifunk.de ? port : 9090 ---- ==== Wordpress ==== Freifunk Webseite === Verantworlich === * kwasir === Erreichbarkeit === ? host : web.md.freifunk.de ? port : 443 ---- ==== MariaDB ==== Wordpress Backend === Verantworlich === * kwasir === Erreichbarkeit === ? host : web.md.freifunk.de ? port : 443 ----