====== Webserver-Konfiguration ====== ===== Dienste ===== ^Name ^Zweck ^ffmd-repo ^Ort ^inst. Version ^autostart ^sonstiges ^ |[[https://github.com/tcatm/alfred|alfred]] |mesh-metadaten |[[http://github.com/freifunkmd/alfred|alfred]] | |2014.2.0 | | | |[[https://github.com/plumpudding/hopglass-server/tree/modules|hopglass-server]] |hopglass-server |[[https://github.com/plumpudding/hopglass|hopglass-server]] |/opt/hopglass-server |module branch |/etc/hopglass-server/default/config.json | | |[[https://github.com/plumpudding/hopglass|hopglass]] |hopglass |[[http://github.com/freifunkmd/alfred|hopglass]] |/opt/hopglass | | | | |[[https://github.com/freifunkhamburg/ffmap-backend|ffmap-backend]] |backend zu Map |[[https://github.com/FreifunkMD/ffmap-backend|ffmap-backend]] |/usr/local/lib/ffmap | |[[https://grafana.com|grafana]] |visualisierung statistik | | |6.2.1 | | | |[[https://prometheus.io|Prometheus]] |Grafana-Stats Backend |[[offen]] | |2.9.2 / 2019-04-24 |autostart über Docker Policy | | |[[https://github.com/ffnord/meshviewer|meshviewer]] |map |[[https://github.com/FreifunkMD/ffmap-d3|meshivewer]] |/var/www/map/ | | |anpassen der neuen Version (grüner/blauer Punkt) \\ /var/www/map/config.json Variable: current-firmware - not used | |[[https://github.com/FreifunkMD/ffmd-wiki|wiki]] |dokumentation |? | | |[[http://wordpress.org|wordpress]] ===== weitere Dinge ===== ==== API ==== * alt: community.json -> /usr/local/lib/ffmap/community.json/api.json * neu: community.json -> von https://github.com/FreifunkMD/community.json/blob/master/ffmd.json ==== fastd ==== * Änderung der startmethode von /etc/init.d/ zu systemdservice (systemctl start fastd@magdeburg) ==== grafana: ==== * service grafana-server start/stop/reboot ([[http://docs.grafana.org/installation/debian/|see documentation]]) * config: /etc/grafana/grafana.ini [server] root_url = https://map.md.freifunk.net/stats/ [analytics] check_for_updates = true [auth.anonymous] enabled = true * systemctl start grafana-server * /usr/lib/systemd/system/grafana-server.service: [Unit] Description=Starts and stops a single grafana instance on this system Documentation=http://docs.grafana.org Wants=network-online.target After=network-online.target [Service] EnvironmentFile=/etc/default/grafana-server User=grafana Group=grafana Type=simple Restart=on-failure WorkingDirectory=/usr/share/grafana ExecStart=/usr/sbin/grafana-server \ --config=${CONF_FILE} \ --pidfile=${PID_FILE} \ cfg:default.paths.logs=${LOG_DIR} \ cfg:default.paths.data=${DATA_DIR} \ cfg:default.paths.plugins=${PLUGINS_DIR} LimitNOFILE=10000 TimeoutStopSec=20 UMask=0027 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target * frontend: https://map.md.freifunk.net/stats/dashboard * graphana holt sich die Daten vom gw2, auf dem prometheus die daten in eine DB speichert ( ==== hopglass ==== * config: /opt/hopglass/web/build/config.json { "dataPath": "data/", "siteName": "Freifunk Magdeburg", "mapSigmaScale": 0.5, "showContact": false, "maxAge": 14, "mapLayers": [ { "name": "OSM Standard", "url": "https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png", "config": { "type": "osm", "attribution": "Karte hergestellt aus OpenStreetMap-Daten | Open Database License (ODbL)", "maxZoom": 19 } }, { "name": "OSM deutscher Stil", "url": "http://a.tile.openstreetmap.de/tiles/osmde/{z}/{x}/{y}.png", "config": { "type": "osm", "attribution": "Karte hergestellt aus OpenStreetMap-Daten | Open Database License (ODbL)", "maxZoom": 18 } }, { "name": "MapQuest", "url": "https://otile{s}-s.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/osm/{z}/{x}/{y}.jpg", "config": { "subdomains": "1234", "type": "osm", "attribution": "Tiles © MapQuest, Data CC-BY-SA OpenStreetMap", "maxZoom": 17 } }, { "name": "Stamen.TonerLite" } ], "siteNames": [ { "site": "ffmd", "name": "Magdeburg" } ] } * update: cd /opt/hopglass/web/ ; git pull; npm install; grunt ==== hopglass-server ==== https://libraries.io/github/hopglass/hopglass-server * config: /etc/hopglass-server/default/ * aliases.json: { "d2f429996861": { "firstseen": "2016-04-07T17:49:18.252Z", "nodeinfo": { "node_id": "d2f429996861", "owner": { "contact": "kontakt@md.freifunk.net" }, "network": { "mac": "d2:f4:29:99:68:61", "mesh_interfaces": [ "d2:f4:29:99:68:61" ], "mesh": { "bat0": { "interfaces": { "tunnel": [ "d2:f4:29:99:68:61" ] } } } }, "hostname": "gw1" }, "neighbours": { "batadv": { "d2:f4:29:99:68:61": {} } } } "be981f07ffa3": { "firstseen": "2016-04-07T17:49:18.252Z", "nodeinfo": { "node_id": "be981f07ffa3", "owner": { "contact": "kontakt@md.freifunk.net" }, "network": { "mac": "be:98:1f:07:ff:a3", "mesh_interfaces": [ "be:98:1f:07:ff:a3" ], "mesh": { "bat0": { "interfaces": { "tunnel": [ "be:98:1f:07:ff:a3" ] } } } }, "hostname": "gw2" }, "neighbours": { "batadv": { "be:98:1f:07:ff:a3": {} } } } } * config.json: { "receiver": { "receivers": [ { "module": "announced", "config": { "interval": { "statistics": 60, "nodeinfo": 500 } } }, { "module": "aliases", "config": { "file": "./aliases.json" }, "overlay": true } ], "ifaces": [ "bat0" ], "storage": { "file": "./raw.json" }, "purge": { "maxAge": 14, } }, "provider": { "offlineTime": 900 }, "webserver": { "port": 4000 } } * systemctl start/stop hopglass-server@default * /usr/lib/systemd/system/hopglass-server@.service [Unit] Description=The HopGlass Server collects data from the Freifunk network (%I) [Service] Type=simple User=hopglass Group=hopglass WorkingDirectory=/etc/hopglass-server/%I/ ExecStart=/usr/bin/node --harmony /opt/hopglass/server/hopglass-server.js Restart=always [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target * Daten werden gespeichert unter /etc/hopglass-server/default/raw.json ^Query Location ^Description ^ |http://web1.md.freifunk.net:4000/nodes.json |HopGlass nodes.json v2 | |http://web1.md.freifunk.net:4000/graph.json |HopGlass graph.json v1 | |http://web1.md.freifunk.net:4000/mv/nodes.json |Meshviewer nodes.json v2 | |http://web1.md.freifunk.net:4000/mv/graph.json |Meshviewer graph.json v1 | |http://web1.md.freifunk.net:4000/raw.json |Raw data collected, same as the ''%%raw.json%%'' save file| |http://web1.md.freifunk.net:4000/hosts |hosts file to be placed in /etc/hosts | |http://web1.md.freifunk.net:4000/metrics |Prometheus metrics | |http://web1.md.freifunk.net:4000/wifi-aliases.txt |Aliases file for Wifi Analyzer app | |http://web1.md.freifunk.net:4000/WifiAnalyzer_Alias.txt|Aliases file for Wifi Analyzer app | |http://web1.md.freifunk.net:4000/ffapi.json |Freifunk API file | |http://web1.md.freifunk.net:4000/nodes.zone |Named DNS zone file |