
Administration GW01.Batman

Alles die Administration von GW1.Batman betreffend.

Es ist das Paket etckeeper mit Git als Backend installiert um den Vorteil einer Versionsverwaltung für /etc zu haben. Nach administrativen Aufgaben einfach kurz

sudo etckeeper commit

und kurz eine Commit Message eingeben. Das Repository ist ausschließlich lokal vorhanden und wird nicht nach draußen gepusht!


(aka Nutzer mit sudo Rechten)

Installierte Dienste




Command Description
batctl o Show Originators
batctl nn show nc_nodes
batctl bbt backbonetanle
batctl ping 1e:34:a8:d3:0a:eb ping device

Bird/ Bird6

bird ist eine Open-Source-Implementierung eines IPv4 als auch IPv6-fähigen TCP/IP-Routing-Daemons. Derzeit unterstützt BIRD mehrere interne Routing-Tabellen, das EGP BGP, die IGPs OSPF und RIP sowie statische Routen.


bridc ⇒ IPv4 birdc6 ⇒ IPv6

Show Status

# birdc show status
BIRD 1.3.7 ready.
BIRD 1.3.7
Router ID is
Current server time is 14-02-2021 19:42:33
Last reboot on 11-02-2021 22:19:21
Last reconfiguration on 11-02-2021 22:19:21
Daemon is up and running

Show Interfaces

# birdc show interfaces 
BIRD 1.3.7 ready.
lo up (index=1)
MultiAccess AdminUp LinkUp Loopback Ignored MTU=16436 (Primary, scope host)
eth0 up (index=2)
MultiAccess Broadcast Multicast AdminUp LinkUp MTU=1500 (Primary, scope univ)
gre0 DOWN (index=3)
MultiAccess AdminDown LinkDown MTU=1476
backend-bab1 DOWN (index=4)
PtP Multicast AdminUp LinkUp MTU=1400
backend-gw2 DOWN (index=5)
PtP Multicast AdminUp LinkUp MTU=1400
backend-web DOWN (index=6)
PtP Multicast AdminUp LinkUp MTU=1400
mesh-vpn DOWN (index=7)
MultiAccess Broadcast Multicast AdminUp LinkUp MTU=1312
bat0 up (index=8)
MultiAccess Broadcast Multicast AdminUp LinkUp MTU=1500 (Primary, scope site) (Secondary, scope site)
mesh-vpn-backbo DOWN (index=9)
MultiAccess Broadcast Multicast AdminUp LinkUp MTU=1426
# birdc6 show interfaces 
BIRD 1.3.7 ready.
lo up (index=1)
MultiAccess AdminUp LinkUp Loopback Ignored MTU=16436
::1/128 (Primary, scope host)
eth0 up (index=2)
MultiAccess Broadcast Multicast AdminUp LinkUp MTU=1500
2a03:4000:6:30c3::1/64 (Primary, scope univ)
fe80::5054:6fff:fecf:e3a/64 (Unselected, scope link)
gre0 DOWN (index=3)
MultiAccess AdminDown LinkDown MTU=1476
backend-bab1 up (index=4)
PtP Multicast AdminUp LinkUp MTU=1400
fda9:26e:5805:bab1:af1:7cb:47:af01/127 (Primary, opposite fda9:26e:5805:bab1:af1:7cb:47:af00, scope site)
fe80::200:5efe:2578:a0ce/64 (Unselected, scope link)
backend-gw2 up (index=5)
PtP Multicast AdminUp LinkUp MTU=1400
fda9:26e:5805:bab1:aaaa::5/64 (Primary, scope site)
fe80::200:5efe:2578:a0ce/64 (Unselected, scope link)
backend-web up (index=6)
PtP Multicast AdminUp LinkUp MTU=1400
fd43:c813:cf00:5ed5::4/127 (Primary, opposite fd43:c813:cf00:5ed5::5,   scope site)
fe80::200:5efe:2578:a0ce/64 (Unselected, scope link)
mesh-vpn up (index=7)
MultiAccess Broadcast Multicast AdminUp LinkUp MTU=1312
fe80::d0f4:29ff:fe99:6861/64 (Primary, scope link)
bat0 up (index=8)
MultiAccess Broadcast Multicast AdminUp LinkUp MTU=1500
fda9:26e:5805::9/64 (Primary, scope site)
fe80::a8bd:bdff:fe97:6274/64 (Unselected, scope link)
mesh-vpn-backbo up (index=9)
MultiAccess Broadcast Multicast AdminUp LinkUp MTU=1426
fe80::bc98:1fff:fe07:ff52/64 (Primary, scope link)

Show Protocols

# birdc show protocols
BIRD 1.3.7 ready.
name     proto    table    state  since       info
k_mast   Kernel   master   up     Feb11       
k_frei   Kernel   freifunk up     Feb11       
device1  Device   master   up     Feb11       
p_maintbl Pipe     master   up     Feb11       => ebgp
p_ibgptbl Pipe     ebgp     up     Feb11       => ibgp
p_freitbl Pipe     ibgp     up     Feb11       => freifunk
unreachable_default Static   freifunk up     Feb11       
static_ffmd Static   ebgp     up     Feb11       
local_ffmd Static   freifunk up     Feb11       
vpn2     BGP      ibgp     start  Feb11       Connect       Socket: Connection   timed out
Bielefeld1 BGP      ebgp     start  Feb11       Idle          
Bielefeld2 BGP      ebgp     start  Feb11       Idle          

Procols Verbose

# birdc show protocols all
BIRD 1.3.7 ready.
name     proto    table    state  since       info
k_mast   Kernel   master   up     Feb11       
Preference:     10
Input filter:   REJECT
Output filter:  (unnamed)
Routes:         0 imported, 0 exported, 0 preferred
Route change stats:     received   rejected   filtered    ignored   accepted
  Import updates:              0          0          0          0          0
  Import withdraws:            0          0        ---          0          0
  Export updates:              0          0          0        ---          0
  Export withdraws:            0        ---        ---        ---          0

show static

  Show detailed information about static routes. 
birdc show static local_ffmd
BIRD 1.3.7 ready. dev bat0
birdc show static static_ffmd
BIRD 1.3.7 ready. unreachable


erzeugt mullvad device

Starten/ Stoppen

service openvpn start
service openvpn stop

@gw1:# service openvpn status
[ ok ] VPN 'ipredator' is running.


ps -ef |grep open
root       968   697  0 20:45 pts/2    00:00:00 grep open
root     21285     1  0 Feb10 ?        00:00:22 /usr/sbin/openvpn --writepid /run/openvpn/ --daemon ovpn-ipredator --status /run/openvpn/ipredator.status 10 --cd /etc/openvpn --config /etc/openvpn/ipredator.conf


Starten/ Stoppen

/etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server stop
/etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server start
/etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server status
Status of ISC DHCP server: dhcpd is running.


tcpdump -n -i br0 port bootps or port bootpc
root@gw1:/home/kwasir# ps -ef |grep dhcp
root       903   697  0 20:33 pts/2    00:00:00 grep dhcp
root      3296     1  0 Jan31 ?        00:00:21 /usr/sbin/dhcpd -q -6 -cf /etc/dhcp/dhcpdv6.conf -pf /var/run/ bat0
root     21304     1  0 Feb10 ?        00:00:21 /usr/sbin/dhcpd -cf /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf bat0


A.L.F.R.E.D - Almighty Lightweight Fact Remote Exchange Daemon

alfred is a user space daemon for distributing arbitrary local information over the mesh/network in a decentralized fashion. This data can be anything which appears to be useful - originally designed to replace the batman-adv visualization (vis), you may distribute hostnames, phone books, administration information, DNS information, the local weather forecast …



Start / Stop/ Staus

service alfred start
[ ok ] Starting A.L.F.R.E.D: alfred.
service alfred stop
service alfred status
[ ok ] alfred is running.


ps -ef |grep alfred
root      1149     1  0 21:03 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/alfred -i bat0 -b bat0 -m


Sind Nodes online, die gluon-announce installiert und am laufen haben, sollte man json/gzip Daten erhalten:

alfred -r 158 -u /var/run/alfred-wi.sock
 { "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx", "\xxx\xxx [...] \xxx\xxx" },

Ist alfred-json installiert kann man sich die Daten gleich mit entpacken lassen:

alfred -r 158 -s /var/run/alfred.sock -z
     "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx": {
         "location": {
           "longitude": 0.0,
           "latitude": 0.0
         "network": {
           "mac": "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx",

Hier nervt: Zur Angabe des Sockets nutzt alfred-json den Flag -s, alfred hingegen -u.

Wenn bereits ein Router in der Hood ist, kann mit

alfred -r 158 -u /var/run/xx.sock

alfred-json -zr 158 -s /var/run/alfred.sock

alfred-json -zr 158

Datensatz 158 und 159 sollten daten liefern Bzw. Datensatz 1


Starten Stoppen

# /etc/init.d/unbound status
[ ok ] unbound is running.

# /etc/init.d/unbound start
[ ok ] unbound is starting
# /etc/init.d/unbound stop
[ ok ] unbound is stopping
